Our Senior Partner, Rahayu Ningsih Hoed, has been recognized in ALB Southeast Asia’s Top 15 Litigators 2023

Asian Legal Business honors the leading litigators in the highest-impact disputes across Southeast Asia region.

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Mondaq Comparative Guides 2023

The Mondaq Comparative Guides offer a wealth of practical information in Q&A format.

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Makarim & Taira S. Honored for Project Finance Deal

Our firm received the award for Project Finance Deal of the Year for the AMIN Copper Smelter Project.

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LAWASIA Employment Law Conference 2023

Join us at this prestigious event to hear from our Partner, Lia Alizia.

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Asia Business Law Journal's 2023 The A-List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers

Asia Business Law Journal's 2023 The A-List of Indonesia’s Top 100 Lawyers once again features our Partners

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