M&T’s Lia Alizia Speaks at Hukumonline Legal Workshop 2018
Our managing partner, Lia Alizia, talked about “The Use of Foreign Workers Based on Labor and Development Regulation in Indonesia” on Tuesday, 24 July 2018, in the Legal Workshop 2018 presented by Hukumonline -- a trusted provider of legal information in Indonesia.
The government has reformed the recruitment procedure for foreign workers, and employers have to be geared up and understand the prescribed terms and conditions related to this change. In line with the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 20 Year 2018 on the Use of Foreign Workers, and the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower (Permekaner) No. 10 Year 2018 on Procedures of the Usage of Foreign Workers, Lia shared key points for employers when hiring foreign workers.
Read about the nine important elements in the reformed recruitment procedure, and the legal basis governing foreign workers via Hukumonline.