Under Minister of Energy and Mineral Sources Regulation No. 35 of 2014 on The Delegation of Authority to Issue Electric Power Business Licenses in the Framework of One-Stop Integrated Services to the Head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Sources has delegated its authority to issue electric power licenses for capital investment to the Head of BKPM. 

The Business licenses which have been delegated are:

  1. Electric Power Supply Business Licenses (Izin Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik);
  2. Operating Licenses (Izin Operasi);
  3. Work Area Determinations (Penetapan Wilayah Usaha);
  4. Electric Power Support Services Business Licenses (Izin Usaha Jasa Penunjang Tenaga Listrik);
  5. Cross-border Electric Power Sale-and-Purchase Licenses (Izin Jual Beli Tenaga Listrik Lintas Negara);
  6. Licenses to Use Electric Power Networks for Telecommunications, Multimedia, and Information Technology (Izin Pemanfaatan Jaringan Tenaga Listrik Untuk Kepentingan Telekomunikasi, Multimedia, dan Informatika);
  7. Assignments of Preliminary Geothermal Surveys (Penugasan Survei Pendahuluan Panas Bumi);
  8. Geothermal Licenses (Izin Panas Bumi);
  9. Geothermal Support Services Business Approvals (Persetujuan Usaha Penunjang Panas Bumi); and
  10. Licenses to Use Warehouses for Geothermal Explosives (Izin Penggunaan Gudang Bahan Peledak Panas Bumi).
  11. Licenses issued before the Regulation came into force remain valid until they expire. The Regulation has been in force since 24 December 2014